Friday, February 26, 2010

Saturday afternoon... just me and my rather large assignment

So I should be writing something else but I just thought I'd share with my blog my intense sugar cravings I am fighting right now. I am so glad that I am here, in a house that has practically no 'crap' in it (because I know I will eat it if it is here) and not at the house BBQ that is happening a few suburbs away with my friends (I have a big assignment to do which is why I am not there). I called my partner to see how he was going and he mentioned that there was rainbow cake. My mouth watered. He has instructions to bring me home one can of coke (which I usually split with him to give me a 1.5 point serve) and one freddo frog (strawberry flavour) for two points which I will split with him for 1 point.

Every day I can understand more and more why I am overweight. I just ate such an amazing amount of things. And as much as I can just look at what skinny people are eating and wonder why they are thin, they don't eat the bad stuff all the time...

Sweet... fluffy... icing topped cake... random sugar post...

(also I did a pretend weigh in today as if it was Monday... I am looking forward to a nice loss on Monday if I can keep myself on track this weekend.

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