Sunday, February 21, 2010

400 grams lost - 5.4kg down total

A 400 gram loss which is pretty awesome considering I had a very nibbly weekend. There was a picnic on Saturday which I turned up to where there were gummy bears, nuts, chips, dip and cheese. And of course I hadn't eaten anything substantial before turning up so I nibbled away until some kind folk brought along fruit and some healthier looking crackers.

Then Sunday there was a visit to Australia Zoo and while I had brought a few snacks like cereal, yoghurt and bananas, I still snacked away on the hot chips and pie my partner brought. I must say, I do like that he doesn't say "should you be eating that?"... lovely bloke of mine.

But anyway, a loss is a loss and I am pleased. I exercised this morning with Sarah, then rode to uni and back so I have lots of exercise awesomeness today. Totally pumped for the week ahead!

The picture is of me in the size 14 pants from Cue... expensive expensive pants... The legs are starting to fit nicely, but the waist is still tight! A few kilos to go before it feels comfortable. On my way to 10kg lost which is great.

1 comment:

  1. Wohoo! Go Loz! You are clearly awesome. And The pants look good - how long til you reckon you'll be wearing them outside the house?
