Sunday, January 31, 2010

1.5kg excitment

This week I was aiming to get the scales somewhere in 85... to my surprise I have bypassed 85 all together to weigh in at 84.9 which is a 1.5kg loss! I am so proud of myself.

Especially because last week was a discovery on how bad fasta pasta was for you (4 phone calls interstate, and many people later I finally found someone who would give me the nutritional information for an entree sized spaghetti bolognaise -12.5 points! The main size was 19.5 points) and then Australia Day on Tuesday which meant BBQ sausages, eggplant, mushroom, cheese, chips, alcohol, sausages, sausages, did I meantion sausages? I ate a lot less than I usually would have because I was aware of everything but I felt that I did go overboard.

I totally credit this loss to the amount of cycling I have been doing. My boyfriend bought me a bike two weeks ago and now we ride everywhere. We ride to the shops, the park, the movies, friend's houses. I highly recommened it.

Plus, a few days ago I felt a moment of total defeat. I felt like I was never going to lose this weight (I was angry because my bf and I were heading to the movies and I really wanted to have lots of snacks and lollies and realised I couldn't behave like that food wise anymore if I wanted to be healthy). I felt that low jealous anger you get when you see skinny people eating what they want and I wish I could do that. But I got past it. I realised that 2kgs lost is 2kgs lost and it is a fantastic achievement. Now I'm up to 3.6kg lost and I am not looking back.

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